Saturday, April 28, 2012

France is building a large solar power

EDF. is building the world's largest photovoltaic solar power plant on the former NATO air base. It is planned that the company will begin its work in 2012. The power plant occupies 415 hectares near the town of Metz in the east. The design capacity is 143 MW facility. This is enough to provide electricity to the city with 62 thousand. residents.

Currently, the world's largest solar power plant located in Olmedile (Spain) and produces 60 MW. In the U.S. and Australia have also developed several projects, which may exceed its capacity, and Spanish, and French companies.

Power plant in Toul - Rosere increase the amount of solar energy in France four times. Despite this, France still just breathing in the back of the head of Spain and Germany, which produces 1671 MW and 1505 MW respectively. EDF said that would be glad to build a more powerful workstation, but in France it is difficult to find a place to put it. When asked why the new project has been chosen instead of a cloudless cloudy Lorraine Southern, the company is responsible as follows: because the government raised electricity tariffs for the population in the northern regions, in order to attract investment in energy.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

First pictures of the new Hyundai Genesis Coupe

Hyundai introduced a new image of his only rear-wheel drive coupe Genesis ( and indeed the only coupe).

more ».

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The next debate is around the guesswork about the rumors.

It is known that the first time after a long pause, HP has decided to independently ( and with a huge booth ) to participate in the Infocomm - Company filed an application for participation in 2011. One would think - so what?.
And that's what.
Last year, Cisco has filed an application. But then again - and bought a Tandberg.
Now all are wondering who in the end of the year to buy HP. Not with the Polycom you?.
Or, at worst, Vidyo, with whom HP has recently signed a partnership agreement (just as Cisco has signed it with Tandberg, before buying ).
Interestingly, all of which may turn out to be much more prosaic - HP put up for Infocomm- 2011 his team, which deals with Digital Signage. Well, Polycom will be bought by Avaya ( along with his stand on the Inforomm, quietly, without fanfare and drums ).
Or no one no one will buy.
yes. At the time, live gay, Messrs.. Anguish, doubts, struggles, torments.
Absolutely no time to work.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

300th member of the club came from Dnepropetrovsk bablorubov

Dimochka (20:41:13 21/07/2008).
how old are you?.

Den (20:41:18 21/07/2008).

Dimochka (20:41:24 21/07/2008).
long ago in SEO?.

Den (20:41:42 21/07/2008).
a couple of months.

Den (20:41:47 21/07/2008).

Dimochka (20:41:54 21/07/2008).
and the city of what?.

Den (20:42:06 21/07/2008).

Dimochka (20:42:19 21/07/2008).
When you plan to come up with SEO in the piece bucks a month?.

Den (20:42:42 21/07/2008).

Dimochka (20:42:52 21/07/2008).
level of ambition. ).

Den (20:43:10 21/07/2008).
I just do not play.

Dimochka (20:43:29 21/07/2008).
Six months is enough?.

Dimochka (20:43:33 21/07/2008).

Den (20:43:47 21/07/2008).
Well, let six months ( and wanted to write ).

Dimochka (20:44:20 21/07/2008).
I understand - name Dennis?.

Den (20:44:32 21/07/2008).

Den (20:44:36 21/07/2008).

Dimochka (20:44:52 21/07/2008).
Well, well, good luck, Dennis, and welcome to the club. ).

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

In Greece, ancient sculptures back

As reported by the Greek Ministry of Culture in Greece from the Museum of Los Angeles had been returned antique sculptures, removed illegally decades ago.

One of the items returned by a marble stele with carved text. The text is a calendar of sacrifices to the gods of antiquity, and celebrations of ancient Greece. According to historians, the stele is dated about 430 BC.

Exported artifacts are fragments of grave relief, discovered in 1975, and later identified as three parts of one whole. The third part of the exhibition is located in the Museum of Athens. The whole sculpture depicts a lady standing in front of her and her maid, who props up his hand cheek. The exhibition dates from the fifth century BC, and soon all three parts will be re- united in a Greek museum.

All exhibits are returned to Athens by a contract of cooperation between Greece and the Getty Museum. During the negotiations, Greece promised to spend at the museum in Los Angeles antique show with the participation of Greek artifacts.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Share Widget Extension for Google Plus (UPD)

Quite a qualitative extension that will easily receive instant notification from their Google Plus account through a special icon. One click and you are on the page and read the new message! . Rudy Reeves. We can not just it! . This is done in two ways:.

  1. You can select the text for the preview, right click and select. 'Share on Google'.

  2. Is it possible for you like the page, click on the icon to expand and publish a manual. Moreover, a link to the site will automatically load to the point. 'Add link'. and you do not have to deal with his own copy -paste links!.

Update:. The developer has deleted this extension of the Chrome Web Store. - hosting with whom you can sleep peacefully

Make a birthday present chief bablorubu!.

Actually, all you witnessed yesterday, the club is not available. So a few words of gratitude to our hosts. Yes, this is the most overt and blatant advertising, which is generally available in this blog. But it 's the least I can do for these guys. They paid for the advertisement of my savings in staff time and minimizing downtime.

How do we meet?.

In November we were in full ass to the second server. And we held up a company. KeyVeb. - Never take it a server or hosting service if you do not want to be alone with their problems. Almost a week in every way we dynamite, in the end I baited their calls, and they. for the money (!). we hooked back up to another server where amhostovtsy dragged to his archive.

How to start his?.

But once. In amhosta always available free, or number of ready servers. As a result, our backup was deployed in a few hours on the configuration, which suited me.

How to pay?.

We have amhosta memberzona from it can be paid online vebmanisami. I always try to pay in advance, but recently rolled up and missed a month - honestly and frankly thought it paid, and when they came to the hands of a new payment - a little shocked, and made ​​two payments at once. While I kopilsya duty - no one even for a moment cut off my server.

a support.

We know that hosting is important not so much machines and data centers as support. And it is at an altitude of amhoste. Yet there was no case to the ticket has not been adopted in the work slower than five minutes. The company has eight system administrators and at least two are always online.

Despite the fact that the administration is not included in the fee, a lot of kids are free. For all the time I paid extra just for configuring anti-spam filters, and even that took less than planned.

Often it is necessary to communicate with children online - it's quiet and polite people, who are pleasant and easy to spread the word.

With regards to the situation with ddos server - one of our customers have come under attack. As a result, the server went. But within an hour a support zafiltroval first attack. The second wave has gone in the morning, help is needed the data center (and they just reacted too quickly), but by the end of the day, and this attack zafiltrovali. As a result, in the bath 13k ip, and the club and client work sites.

Hell, I'm very happy with my choice. I have become less and pay after the move. In my opinion SHARED -tariffs have amhosta expensive, but the server has to suit every taste and at any price. I sincerely advise.

Actually, the link:. amhost. net.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Now the glass is not afraid of the hammer.

More recently, there were cables that allow for a bend with a radius of up to 5mm ( such cables are normalized standard ITU G. 657 ). Bend before something can be, but with fatal consequences (and worst fiber broken, at best, greatly increased attenuation). Now bend at 5mm contribute no more than 0.1 dB.
Moreover, manufacturers of cables advertise that in the presence of 150 bends 90 degrees to the minimum permissible radius of 500 and secured by conventional metal braces without pads does not make more than 0.1 dB attenuation. Most is for razvodok buildings and apartments for FTTH solutions.
And the most important fact for those who understand how easy it is to mount the cable. stapler.

Apple's mobile platform has reduced the gap with Android

The operating system iOS, developed by Apple, markedly reduced the gap with Android in the smartphone segment in the U.S. mobile market. According to the report by NPD Group, the share of iOS sold during the reporting period units increased to 43% in October-November 2011 from 26% in the III quarter. This enabled her almost came close to running on. Google. , Whose share, by contrast, dropped from 60 to 47%.
Three leaders of BlackBerry- maker closes the communicator, the company Research in Motion (RIM), with a share of 6%, says GigaOM tehnoblog with reference to the report. According to NPD, the top three places in the top ten best-selling smartphones in the U.S. market in October and November, held ' iPhones ' - 4S, iPhone 4 and 3GS. The fourth and fifth places went to Samsung Galaxy S 4G and Galaxy S II, respectively, and the sixth - HTC Inspire 4G.
Apple's success is largely provided smartphone iPhone 4S, went on sale October 14. Also contributed to the popularity of iOS discount price on the iPhone 4 ( $ 99 ) and the special conditions of the model 3GS, which buyers can get for free at the conclusion of a two-year contract with the operator.
In early January, Samsung announced that for the IV quarter of 2011, she managed to sell about 35 million smart phones. The company's goal for next year - to realize more than 170 million such devices. How ' smart ' phones could sell Apple for the last quarter of 2011, is still unknown.

Source: vesti. ru.

Monday, April 2, 2012

$ 100 $ 100 $ 100

Take away their money, finally!.

I've wondered if those who bought. lottery. Participate in the raffle. $ 100. , Then the rest is not a sin to offer something similar.

So, everyone who bought a 1 to April 29 of any. X- product. Regardless - inside the club, or as the first invite, participate in the raffle. $ 100. each other.

And those who bought. 3. or. 4. Invite a -week. school. separately with each play. $ 100. lifting.

The drawing is held at vmid paid the. The winner will receive a vmid webmoney post about his win and will win a prize. The drawing will be held April 30. If possible, try to pull a few words of the winners.

Chance to have everyone and pretty good. And it will be funny if someone did not win the 100, and two or three hundred bucks.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Great marketers own life.

Hello dear blog readers, ... biographies and personal achievement. be called. great optimization. life.


With zero start they were able to achieve peaks of material prosperity and world-wide popularity.

In previous articles I talked about Salvador Dali and Frank Sinatra. Today I would like to introduce you to a curious history. Stephen King.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

From April 1!

Of course, a blog about the sale and the club - this is a joke. I apologize, but the team insisted on a small rally in honor of the holiday. I have long resisted, but later yielded to the entreaties of the girls with the proviso that the joke would be provocative.

So okay, my blog will be happy as ever with his articles, and the club to live their life the anarchic. new. club. is also not a joke. Only we are there for the real data, and the activation of the club via SMS to phone the candidate and the reception on the recommendation of one of those who are already inside. The small screen clickable topics discussed.

All the holiday! .

Your DIMA.

A. Dmitri Shakhov ( general management, editing and entertaining articles).
and. width Nemchinov ( seo articles, manuals ).
M. Aria Azarnovskaya (philosophy, psychology).
A. nna Koshelev (paid articles, advertising and PR).

Nobody seriously believed that a person can write a full-fledged two articles a day including weekends and holidays for three years. You can see photo of Irina. here. Other people outside the state and did not want to glow.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.