Sunday, April 22, 2012

The next debate is around the guesswork about the rumors.

It is known that the first time after a long pause, HP has decided to independently ( and with a huge booth ) to participate in the Infocomm - Company filed an application for participation in 2011. One would think - so what?.
And that's what.
Last year, Cisco has filed an application. But then again - and bought a Tandberg.
Now all are wondering who in the end of the year to buy HP. Not with the Polycom you?.
Or, at worst, Vidyo, with whom HP has recently signed a partnership agreement (just as Cisco has signed it with Tandberg, before buying ).
Interestingly, all of which may turn out to be much more prosaic - HP put up for Infocomm- 2011 his team, which deals with Digital Signage. Well, Polycom will be bought by Avaya ( along with his stand on the Inforomm, quietly, without fanfare and drums ).
Or no one no one will buy.
yes. At the time, live gay, Messrs.. Anguish, doubts, struggles, torments.
Absolutely no time to work.

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