Saturday, April 28, 2012

France is building a large solar power

EDF. is building the world's largest photovoltaic solar power plant on the former NATO air base. It is planned that the company will begin its work in 2012. The power plant occupies 415 hectares near the town of Metz in the east. The design capacity is 143 MW facility. This is enough to provide electricity to the city with 62 thousand. residents.

Currently, the world's largest solar power plant located in Olmedile (Spain) and produces 60 MW. In the U.S. and Australia have also developed several projects, which may exceed its capacity, and Spanish, and French companies.

Power plant in Toul - Rosere increase the amount of solar energy in France four times. Despite this, France still just breathing in the back of the head of Spain and Germany, which produces 1671 MW and 1505 MW respectively. EDF said that would be glad to build a more powerful workstation, but in France it is difficult to find a place to put it. When asked why the new project has been chosen instead of a cloudless cloudy Lorraine Southern, the company is responsible as follows: because the government raised electricity tariffs for the population in the northern regions, in order to attract investment in energy.

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