Thursday, March 22, 2012

Roadshow: Answers to your questions - in December 2010, part three

We continue to answer questions.

how to create ICQ? . com ICQ given on soap, but not number, respectively, can be accessed only through the OFFICIAL client, and via telephone fuck it.

buy. Regnut through the bale. py, or mail. py.

What is now a way to earn money for a relative novice, I know all relevant fundamentals HTML, Wordpress, Joomla, contextual advertising company, to make websites for glanders, or may be Adsense, or affiliate, or by blozhki e-book for beginners such as I. ?.
and now for shkoloty nothing to catch on the Internet in terms of money?.
have a budget of about 300 - $ 500 free.

If you know English, do a mini- sites for Adsense. This is still true. Blogs by commodity or affiliate. If you do not know the basic and most simple trend - the eternal link. A lot of manual work, but income per person more than enough. Did the site and put forward handles. Infobusiness, IMHO, is not for beginners, if you want to earn from the first month.

Clients were ever to develop sites that pay money and disappear for ever (8 months). What should I do?.

Doha such clients - every year for two pieces. Do nothing. Typically, these customers are lost from the ends. Or returning after two or three years.

I now propose a scheme of work to clients. They make a reservation through the online shopping basket, I am sending you a contract with Sway and seal his client sign and send back along with 30 % down payment. I give the order to work in China, where it operates, and when the client is ready to transfer the entire remaining amount (can be taken immediately?).
Since the average check order 200k 300k - rubles, it is possible to get quite well, if the supplier will throw ( the client sends the wrong item, and settling quality), throw the buyer ( not the one to say that the product or not completely).
How is it usually done such things? .

Risk should be. Without risk there is no business. Mark- do 100-200 %. It will cover kidki. Oh, and the direct contacts, the more they are documentary in nature, the less kidkov. Not because people are afraid to throw under the contract, simply formed another relationship to the partner.

The client does not pay for the development of the site, explaining it so that the site is not worth the amount requested and it's a 3 hours 10 grader. Threatened if the lawyers will continue to demand money.
Domain and Hosting have been issued to the client, so I think he and the callback hoster changed his password from the control panel. But I still have FTP access and access to the Domain Control Panel.
Working without a contract.
What can I do to teach the client and whether it is worth to do something?.

Forget, and with other clients to work under the contract. Today, your relationship can be characterized as insignificant - you do not need each other. If you're not afraid of karma slander, anonymous access laid out in a public forum hacking - let students exercise.

Dima if you lived in Moscow, no matter how the business doing?.

I accidentally came into the business and garlic I did not care - in which. It so happened that in advertising. If that's gone now, you probably would deal with the same internet - marketing. Demand and in Moscow today is very high.

There is a situation. Began to make a site to spread from the book, which has not previously been posted on the net, and as luck would have on the same day another man started a similar site on the basis of the same book! . There are several options how to proceed:.
1) to do everything faster than a competitor, and to lay out a book a month (although I had planned to stretch for a year). But the level of a competitor, as I estimated above in my seo.
2) To drown his website sap in the shit. 50-100 sapossylok bought one anchor on the pages in the index Yasha, hold them and take two weeks. And a week later to buy the same scheme. And get rid of his site govnokatalogam. I would have done it, but I believe in karma.
What advise? .

Paragraph 2 most probably make it in the eyes of the original version of Jascha location, and your - the secondary. Out with it all and fed into the index Yasha.

a. Do not go to the index in the new sites. And not just Wordpress, but also in pure HTML on different hosting. Content is mostly scanning, all unique. Interestingly, moderate sites manually? .

We must look the sites themselves. Pay more attention to a reference to these sites. You can buy on the links in the 10-20 kazape and as many guards in the Blogun. And of course all the sites are not moderated by hand - it is unrealistic. Controversial sites singly can check your hands. In other occasionally the deciding in favor of the worst-case scenario.

2. To pay $ 10 to get into the club bablorubov ( without buying software )? .

And I do not advertise. Ask by e-mail.

3. Is there in December before the New Year rush options on the stock exchanges or is it a myth?.

It is a myth. The work of the optimizer is tied to the speed of processing new information search engine. T. e. to get a position in front of NG, we should start to twitch in September.

4. In a family dispute. Can a successful entrepreneur in Russia to be completely honest? .

can. For the prosperity of the business to violate moral principles do not, and often harmful. Here, many laws are almost always necessary, or to circumvent or violate - they can not take into account all peculiarities of doing business, and often simply do not have time for business growth within the country. Your dispute has arisen due to the fact that the eyes are usually those ' businessmen ' who violate the principles of morality. Good as we discuss the pending.

Recently became interested in grocery affiliate program. I want to create an online catalog of imortirovat it xml - the seller of goods and the promotion through SEO directory on LF.
This, in principle, the scheme will work? .

Since I have no idea about what industry we are, then I can not advise. Just a bare list of names on the site will never be successful will not be. Not in terms of SEO, or in terms of the QS.

The question is how to calculate the cost of promotion for a client? .

There used to be the formula for assessing the competition. T. e. you take the number bekov competitors, displaying the mean, multiplied by the average price on the stock exchange. Now it's too many factors that it was a true price. In general, stick to this scale: 3 10 thousand. regional bass, 10-30 federal MF, HF to all individually, and 30.

good day. What is the real money on the resource with free downloadable content, and unique samopisnymi texts for, for example, yablodrocherov? .

As much as on any other resource visited - on Adsense. In the py - segment will be a dime. I would not do so.

such a deal. 27 years old, not married, live with my parents, I work at a power plant, s. n. $ 1000, I read blogs about seo, make money on the internet, I love to visit and read the sports portals sports. ru / hockey. / football, drink beer (a lot ) and make your dream a money via the internet, BUT, not as a female can not begin to do something, because I was under the influence of another's opinions and do not know where to best place to start, already . What should I do?.

Retired from work and eat from their parents to a safe place. Even marry. Motivation will be over the edge. In short, at this age it is time to start a little bit of independence.

How to motivate yourself vebmasterskuyu work? .

Yeah fuck it. Find the best workers and motivate ourselves to the fact that to fuck their brains every day for lack of results.

how to monetize services such as Ask. py?.

in no way. Context, banners sposorov in subjects. Commercial affiliate of subjects. But all this will be a penny. People do not go to such services for shopping and advertising poklikat.

What motivates you to make money? .

Debts motivate me. I do not like to be someone. And I like to create a material relationship. A quarter of the money spent on credit, quarter - the children from his first marriage, a quarter of a residence and a quarter on the development, investment, reinvestment and pleasure. Something like.

You say you consider yourself a public figure, and your relatives, subordinates are reading your blog, there are in the club? . networks or photos on any services?.

My blog read by many friends and relatives. Not all, but enough to hear their comments or requests for texts. In the club no one from the inner circle - they are not interested. In social networks two fake - Acre ( contact and Facebook ) and one real ( classmates ) - all abandoned and without photo. I do not have time to communicate in social networks.

Do you think where to start a business offline or online, if it had never previously engaged?.

It depends on the initial conditions. If the choice is between the rivet and cut people's websites - it is better to cut people, IMHO. And if you do affiliate and build a mini -factory, it is best to affiliate. The first experience is usually not successful and the less will be up-front investments (and the money and time), the better.

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