Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Thinking of doing business in Russia

We talk about business in our dear country. For questions constantly arise among those with whom I communicate. How to develop? .

I confess frankly, while still a teenager, I thought that I would become a businessman. But I wanted to, of course, not a website design studio in the provincial regional center, and even quite a large international corporation. I have no idea what exactly I'm going to do - it was completely abstract dreams.

And now, when I was thirty, gained a no experience, I can only say one thing: I do not give up nafig the corporation. Just create a small, stand on three legs, and without your business that will feed you, and then another, and any time your children. All the money will not spend all the things you can not buy, but still need to leave time to rest and try to live so as not to think ' jailed - not plant ' or worse ' shoot - do not shoot '.

But this is what I skromnik, and some people still dream of a black horse on, waving his sword. Well, it's time to say that everybody knows. In Russia there is only two options for a business: small, which no one other than its owners are not interested, and a large, finger-joined with the state in varying degrees. As soon as the low starts to grow, it rests on the need to join with the State. Next, or it occurs, or business ends.

I'm not going to tell sad stories I knew people who did not go to the contact, or simply do not understand what they are wanted, and lost business. It's not so interesting, and full of such stories in the same Forbes - Read any issue of. It is important here is another - the barrier. Or are you a small or large. Or get out in the unnecessary but given the rules, or are you going to deal too, and then the rules will be, but the problems will be solved, and in another. Or the freedom to such an independence, which of you can not depend on anything. Or the illusion of freedom of unwritten rules, but in fact turn out to have more symptoms of dependence.

We have been discussing with a friend a good business out there who wants to port to Russia. And I sincerely and strongly discouraged to have it here is so significant assets. Not because it is impossible to do business in Russia. And how can. It is even a way to federal projects in the potential long term - in Latvia, a similar, albeit narrow-profile business has a turnover of 16mln. euro. The problem is. As soon as there will be significant assets, will have to take action to protect them. Severe pre-emptive action. Or is a chance that he suddenly left with a huge debt to the investor.

Small business is difficult annihilate. You shut one firm, has opened another. Claims have been made in the second, moved operations to a third party. No wonder many large companies and not-so have very structure of the spray. One of the plants, with whom I worked had about thirty of legal persons, including two ROOI (. regional public association with disabilities. ). Of course, that the main purpose of the spray - tax evasion. But the second part - the smearing of assets. In the same Forbes is a schematic diagram of possession of a large company - it was attended by about twenty legal entities, according to legal counsel such a scheme was used for protection against raiding.

Big business is bang in general - there are no problems. If you have not found a common language with officials - consider you at gunpoint. I'm so over ten years and have not seen a single large customer who has not found common ground with the power.

Perhaps someone thinks that there burzhuiny all very sweet and out of the garage can grow into a large company. Do not flatter yourself. There's your problem, and zamorochki. More than confident that few even of those who do not work or even get there, get there. But today, it's not about burzhuiny. Today the question of Russia.

If you have text above seemed pessimistic, it does not. I still think that for a small business in Russia is almost ideal conditions: low competition, low market entry, the low level of service in almost all sectors, a lot of untapped niches, low taxes. And even for the development of big business taking into account the peculiarities of said everything is fine. Just have to adjust oneself, finish the game, to make concessions. And be cautious. Where everything is decided in the west of lawyers, we have replaced the role of officials.

So in this respect, business in Russia will grow. Here are the vectors will be multidirectional. Or small, or large. And forever. No garage that grew in the corporation. forget.

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