Thursday, November 1, 2012

Extract emails from website.

I came across cool software named as email extractor which I recently found. It extracts email addresses from websites, blogs, forums and social networks. Email extractor can harvest email addresses on websites like forum, blog, Facebook, Twitter or any other website where you think your leads appear.

Email extractor can also extract emails from mail boxes, files. Sometimes you have an awesome product and you don't know how to make it famous. How to get your audience/customers know about your product/service? The more you advertise the better sales. In some situations you don't know websites you need to extract emails from but you might have relevant and domain specific keywords describing your potential customers. All you need to do is to type keywords in the in application and press start button inside email extractor.

Do you know how to find customer' contact information such as emails from websites like blogs and forums ? One of the ways is to search them manually by using any search engine or run email extractor. Email extractor software comes into play if you need to contact people and boast about your products. It is a fact that lots of people have emails. Without doubts people leave contact info such as phones, emails on sites.

Sometimes you don't know where your leads surf but you know the keywords related to your business. Use them in email extractor and it will find all of them in search engine like google and then extract emails from all of them. One of the best ways to sell your products is to extract emails of people from websites and send them offers directly by email address, phone. Extract emails from blogs, forums, websites Enter the site name you want to extract email addresses.

Did you research where your customers surf on internet ? I suppose they are hang on on social networks like facebook, twitter, forums, blogs. You may find and extract all emails from documents, text, files. In some cases you don't have desire to scan and extract emails form the whole site . Enter urls to email extractor and it will do the work for you.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Google Chrome will be closer to gamers

browser. Google Chrome. will support the work with game controllers. This is with reference to the developers of Google says Edge Magazine.
In addition to working with joysticks, promised support for webcams and microphones without having to install additional extensions. Thus, according to the publication, the company alludes not only to support the ' traditional ' games, but also using technology to ' augmented reality ', or tracking the player's actions.

It is also planned that. Chrome. will support the technology WebRTC, which allows to organize video conferences directly from your browser, without requiring the installation of third-party plug-ins. This was reported in June 2011, and now the company has confirmed its intention to.

Edge Magazine suggests that WebRTC can also be used for work such as the cloud gaming service OnLive, which allows the game to run on a remote server. In this case, only the user's computer processes the incoming video stream.

However, representatives of. Google. publication indicated that at present the development of such services are not talking. ' Game ' innovations will appear in the browser in the first quarter of 2012.

The first version of the Chrome browser has appeared in September 2008. To date, according to Stat Counter, the share of Chrome on users' computers is very close to the popularity of Mozilla Firefox. It is assumed that the browser from Google and Firefox will overtake the second place by the end of 2011.

Screenshot Car Crash Combat game in the Chrome Web Store.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Medkomteh: information systems for health

Medical Computer Technology. ) From Krasnodar is the developer of a wide range of information systems for health care, including:.

  • ...

  • ...

  • ...

  • ...

  • ...

  • ...

  • ...

  • ...

  • ...

  • ...

  • ...

One of the latest developments of the company was. created an automated system for ... , Delivery of which is free of charge.

Decisions are based on. Microsoft products.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Cloud ads on the Microsoft Management Summit 2011 ( Las Vegas)

Following the last conference in late March 2011 MMS formed article -. Microsoft solutions for managing cloud infrastructure. It is there mainly on innovations the next version of System Center product family in 2012, some members of which should appear on the market this year. But beyond that, so still is the announcement of a new cloud service Windows Intune, which provides a PC fleet management via the Internet. Frankly, I do not really understand what it is and why you need. However, it is not available in Russia, and when will be available ( and whether ) - Unknown. When you are with us, then we will understand.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The market for solar energy in Ukraine

The Ukrainian market: an analysis of the current situation and possibilities of building an effective business.

The Energy Strategy of Ukraine.

The new energy strategy, approved by the Ukrainian government in early 2006, suggests that our state is almost four times the increase use of alternative energy sources to 10.9 million. Mr. t. e. (million. tonnes of oil equivalent) in 2005 to 40.4 million. Mr. t. e. in 2030. This initiative will require investment in the energy sector at a rate of about 60.4 billion. hryvnia, or 7.9 billion. euro. The greatest growth is expected to use. solar Energy. , Wind power and low-grade heat, but their mass application starts with a negligible level, since at present the total installed capacity (including small hydroelectric power station ) is only 0.18 GW. However, the total capacity of power plants producing electricity from alternative energy sources (excluding biofuels and small hydro ) should grow in 2030 to 2.1 GW.

The adopted strategy includes the development of renewable energy in compliance with the fundamental principles of European security strategy, competitive and sustainable energy. The Energy Strategy of Ukraine is established by a number of incentives to encourage production and use of energy from renewable sources, but most of them have not yet found a detailed reflection of the law.

The Ukrainian government is actively cooperating and implementing energy efficiency projects and the development of new and renewable energy sources with financial institutions and international organizations, such as NEFCO, ADEME, IFC, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the World Bank and other.

There is a program of state support for the development of alternative and renewable energy sources and small hydropower plants. The target for renewable energy in 2030 is 19 % of the total generation. Current funding, pledged in the State budget is limited only by the wind energy and not enough to significantly stimulate the development of the sector. Nevertheless, the EU allocates 319 million UAH (27.7 euros) to support the implementation of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine.

It is expected that Ukraine will be a big deal to experience some difficulties with debt financing because of the recession and in any case would require more sophisticated approaches to structuring. At the same time, international financial institutions to invest more funds in Ukraine. IFC announced it would invest about $ 500 million in 2010 to support the implementation of various projects ( including those related to energy). The EBRD approved a 50 million. dollars in the development of alternative energy in Ukraine. The World Bank will allocate 250 million. USD. The United States in 2010 for energy projects in Ukraine.


In 2009,. Ukrainian parliament adopted a law on subsidized rates for electricity produced from unconventional sources, m. e. ... Wholesale Electricity Market of Ukraine in the face of the State Enterprise ... ... ... for 1 euro ).

Producers of electricity from solar energy received the highest coefficients for the calculation of the tariff:.

4.4. - For power generation facilities are installed on roofs of buildings, houses and buildings, with a capacity of. up to 100 kW. As well as for facilities located on the facades of buildings, regardless of their power;.

4.6. - For power generation facilities are installed on roofs of buildings, houses and buildings, with a capacity of. More than 100 kW. ;.

4.8. - For terrestrial plants.

The tariff rate for peak hours is 1.8. This is provided by NERC Decree № 529 of 07.19.2005.

Therefore, in compliance with the law of ...

*) The calculation of ... The actual value of the ...

In addition, to obtain the ...

a. Starting from January 1, 2012,. proportion of materials, components and services of Ukrainian descent in the construction of solar power projects. shall be not less than 30 percent, and from January 1, 2014 - at least 50 percent.

2. Starting from January 1, 2011,. the proportion of materials and components of Ukrainian origin in the solar modules. That are used in the construction of solar power should be at least 30 percent.

The business model for companies working in the field of solar energy.

According to statements in the public domain closest to the implementation of this model, companies such as. ActivSolar. ,. SolarUA. and. quasar. As well as several newcomers who plan to occupy the market segment associated with the introduction of thin-film technology based on amorphous silicon. The other players of the domestic solar energy market focused on a narrower market segments, for example, only in the production of silicon ...

Production of components in Ukraine requires a clear understanding of target markets. The current situation is relatively favorable for the entry into foreign markets, but it involves a serious training in terms of technical excellence of the products and the ability to effectively compete with cheaper counterparts produced in other regions. On the other hand, the legal requirement of a 30% share of materials and components in the Ukrainian-made solar modules used in the construction of solar power, promotes the formation of the future domestic demand for such products.

Despite the considerable resources of solar energy, especially in southern areas of the country, the market for electricity generation using solar power in Ukraine is still in its infancy. The installed capacity of solar stations at the moment is only about 1 MW. Just a few MW will be commissioned in the coming months, although adverse weather conditions in the Crimea in the winter and some other factors may shift the launch of new facilities by spring 2011. All in all, according to the analytical prediction of GlobalData, the installed capacity of SES in Ukraine will be by 2015. about 157 MW, with an annual market growth of about 90 %.

Construction projects require solar power solutions rather disparate tasks. Here are some of them:.

  • search and selection of land for the installation of solar power plants with subsequent analysis of the effectiveness of the project, taking into account specific regional factors;.

  • system design and engineering;.

  • selection and purchase of equipment.

  • provision of permits and approvals to connect to ...

  • equipment installation and system testing;.

  • operation, monitoring and maintenance.

Solving these problems requires not only the ability to work on the Ukrainian market, but rather the specific expertise and technical nuances of designing and building solar power plants. Of course, over time, this experience is gained, and while the events may occur in several scenarios:.

a. Cooperation with large foreign players who have years of practical experience and a long list of completed projects. In this way the company went SolarUA, recently signed a cooperation agreement with an engineering company in the U.S..

2. The transfer of the general contract for the construction of solar power a foreign developer with relevant experience and qualifications. Based on available data, the path chosen Austrian ActivSolar, is building now in the Crimea, its first solar power plant.

3. Adapting the experience and knowledge gained during the implementation of projects for the construction of small and medium-sized projects in the larger facilities of alternative power. This path is the closest of Quasar, which has experience in implementing projects in different parts of the world.

Of course, in practice, the above scenarios can be combined with the realities of ongoing projects and lessons learned developer. But in any case, at the initial stage of the solar energy industry in Ukraine is co-operation with the world's leading developers of solar energy solutions guarantees the target level of capital investment and generate electricity and provide effective business building.

The article was published in. magazine ' Alternativnі dzherela energії '. , № 9-10 ( September-October 2010. ), With. 13-15.

Friday, May 25, 2012

When startups die

Many people think that good enough for a startup idea, good luck and a good organizer. However, it is not, though important. The idea, incidentally, may be inferior or cloned. Good luck can not be. Organizer? .

Startups need a plan. At first, he may be, and is not necessary, since it is unclear where all flies started the project. But as demand has gone, there were demanding consumers already can and should be something to plan. I do not remember a single project, where he was involved, who would not have changed since the first buyers. It always seems that you are the chief, an- not, the customer comes in and puts you in your place, and the startup is changing beyond recognition and full details of the inconsistencies in the original idea. Well, if the spirit of the idea remains. It happens that we have to part with him, as is the case with the first versions Epplovskih computers, when the idea of extending the capabilities of the PC finally took the IBM.

Start-up requires endurance and balance in difficult times. And not only heavy but also in moments of success. It is easy to break and change the plan to spend millions to start or hold the same millions in debt. And only then did stop, and nowhere - so far removed from the road once chosen, which is itself not understand how and why there was. Any startup has a purpose: to take market share, XXX earn money, chop cabbage and fall apart, to ensure a comfortable old age - but you never know. That is only to each goal is only one road. And be on the road or trail run, but to go - which means in effect kill the start-up, as there, the road is the other way, other startups.

Startup should defraud. In a sense, this is a consequence of previous thesis. You have not, but you're doing a new approach and defraud. Or another approach. or again,. And let the blood flowing from his ears and nose, but you have to doge and all previous efforts were in vain. A lot of startups are not broken because they were bad, but just suddenly changed the project manager and the new did not see why defraud. Yes, and that has not seen defraud. Blind investors who buy crude and start-up released the mastermind, not previously squeezed out of him all that he can. I would even buy startups with only binding agreement with the founder to work out at least three years on the project after the transaction.

Startup to live. The idea - a good thing, but just come up and give the direction of movement - a little. We must get used to the project. The best projects - those that are made with a soul. Because the system is not there. It appears much later. Until then, the project is alive only in her heart of its creator. And while he, the creator will live in synergy with the project, they will break down the math, making 1 1 = 3. When the system starts to appear, and this is from one to five years depending on the size and complexity of the project, then you can gradually pick up his soul back. The project does not fall apart. Of course, he trembles, but it's hard to talk about the soul, where there are hundreds of people who perceive their mission in the company of each of their.

In any startup should be only one leader. Fathers can be a lot of preachers - even more, but the leader, guru, father - the only one. That's because Microsoft has a Gates at Apple - Jobs. In any successful startup is only one leader, although many more fathers. Success has many fathers are always. But wherever they were, if not followed their leader, trusting his intuition? . But when there is no leader, or start pulling the blanket, or just one doing anything at all will not be. Or be a leader, or soothe their ambitions for greater success. Steer the system to be presented. The main thing to live up to, as a start it will become.

At start-up money to be. Will they be taken out of circulation, from investors or through a bank loan - no matter. But if they do not, there will be no advertising, will not support lower-level employees will not be the means of production. The founder of the idea can work for very long. But the rest - no. Whichever team has been united to stop it from collapse in the event of a shortfall would only further bad situation in the country as a whole. The first CD -Lab employees ( Moonshine, perimeter ) for almost a year working for peanuts while miraculously failed to sell the first game. But they simply had nowhere to go, there was a crisis and lack of money, and in the studio - and the prospect of an interesting job. Families have suffered, because still had nowhere to go.

And, of course, a startup needs a tangible goal. It is difficult to plan and attract employees, if you even myself can not explain what is going to do. You can drown my thoughts in a carnival of fun, but nobody will give money for your work if you do not understand why you did it. Facebook has become of the toy business when the first investor saw in it opportunities for business - communication control of millions of people is a very powerful tool for any business. In fact, Facebook has made the dream of a census and screening of the population of the planet a reality, and then began to sell it to their customers. Perfect marketing tool. But in faktrume I can not see any idea - probably why the creators have a good traffic and have no idea how to make it. Just an interesting project, but in general, nobody waste. Tomorrow comes another such, and will take his place. The market ' is interesting but ' simple and rapidly changing market, interesting only to publishers, but in practice most uninteresting consumer.

Do start-ups, live by them, turn to the system, look for the money. Good luck to you! .

TA Venture is inviting PHP DEVELOPERS

TA Venture is inviting PHP DEVELOPERS to join development team of startup projects.

We are offering great opportunity to acquire experience, unbind your potential.

We are building high load projects with enormous focus on usability.

We are looking for disciplined, open-minded, responsible and proactive developers.

The technical requirements are:.

  • PHP, MySQL, HTML Javascript CSS.

  • Knowing any other programming language is an advantage (Java, C, assembler:) whatever).

  • Any other outstanding experience is also advantage!.

  • You must be passionate about development (!!!!) And get pleasure from making. t. hings well.

  • If you don't have much experience, but have appropriate mind set and are open, we can be your springboard for professional growth, don't be shy!.

We offer:.

  • Decent salary.

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  • Projects to which you can devote your knowledge.

  • Office in the city center, with own kitchen and lounge room.

Please send your CV with subject PHPDevCV to. hr @ taventure. com.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Free promotion - Race

But it's because I started off the bat. Let me explain what's what. Today's post involves a dual theme. First - free or ultra low-cost promotion. The second relay.
Let me you will paint every detail:.

free promotion.
Many believe that the proper SEO is expensive. This is actually a polumif. Those who do it for money tend to support it, those who do not hear about CEOs earning puzomerki quite a time, or not paying a dime. What is it? . Here for example, my real situation, this month is my b. Life log Itshnika. from scratch, using only white SEO earned TIC 10 and got some delicious items on low demand. Of all the expenditures spent less than 80 p. for the purchase of four links with blogs particles 20-30.
But I think that they could not fly because it was possible to do without them.
What have I done (links to descriptions in this blog ).

a. Bought a zero domain, hosting, and filled stanalone blog.

One or both? .

2. filled content.

Content is the most important.

3. Posted by blog in the PS system.

Tell me who you are and I'll tell you who you are - Adding a site to search engines.

4. Comment, and referred to your blog in forums and working SO.

BlogPost and Dofollow.

5. Promoted via twitter.

How to increase blog traffic by 200-300 visitors per day?.

6. created a mailing list subscribe.
(By the way should plan to write about this topic ).
7. Posted in Tops and Catalogs.
(ie in the same link as item 3).
8. Used the plugin All in SEO pack.

Basic settings and steps.

For shopping, I used reference. service. Blogun. And took exile for the lowest price with the maximum rates.

That's all the basic details. I forgot when, shall add later.


And now the baton. Tell us your most successful and bezzatratny way to promote your site. :) That's all the relay. Write a comment if you continue with the baton. And remember that my blog is positive to the commentators, and it is dofollow, komentiruyte:)!.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Although the flasher, and seized, but Mikhalkov had...

Netflix announced that it has signed a $ 1.2 billion. contracts for streaming video. Rate increase - in late 2009, there were a $ 115 million. The growth of an incredible ( Netflix shares a rod into the mountain, and so, and then there was talk that they want to buy Apple).
All major producing content ( films, TV, music) studio. in a situation. When they need to change the business model. They begin to understand that swims past them a new source of income.
Recent studies (. cm. Say Media Report. ) Show that over a third! . Specifically, 22% significantly reduce the time watching TV programs (the group 'On demanders'), while 13 % do They stopped to watch TV (Group 'Opt outs'). Yes, and the rest ( third group) love him do not feed.

There - are rebuilt to the interests of those who pay for content ( because they understand that things change ).
And we simply cut a sheep ( well, at least by 1% rather than 100%).

Monday, May 7, 2012

Tracking the spread of influenza

Alla Zabrovskaya, director of public affairs for Google Russia.

Every year, flu kills hundreds of thousands of people, and millions suffer from it. Early detection of epidemics enables physicians to react quickly to the situation and save lives. Several years ago a group of Google engineers began working on models of aggregate queries, which can be like a mirror reflecting global trends and show what is happening around us. They reflect on the fact whether these models tell us, for example, or reducing the development of influenza activity in a particular country for a certain period of time.

service. Google Flu Trends. - Statistics of the spread of flu - was first launched in the U.S. in November 2008 and has established itself as a useful tool to assess the extent of influenza activity in a particular country in a real-time. Ability to monitor the dynamics of the epidemic has been helpful to zdravohranitelnyh organizations, doctors and ordinary users.

Today we are announcing the launch of this service in 16 countries, and hope that it will help health facilities to predict new outbreaks and to fight epidemics. Google Flu Trends uses. model based on the history of requests made for a long time, and compares them with the data provided. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

In Russia, Google Flu Trends service is available in a pilot version. Despite the fact that to date the data was not backed by official statistics, we present an early version of the product and hope that it will provide the added source of information.

Many organizations working in health care, doctors are now using surveillance to track the development of epidemics. There may be a legitimate question -. why do we need to assess the cumulative search queries? . At the moment, Google Flu Trends data cover a range of countries and are updated every day, which can be a good complement to existing methods of monitoring.

For epidemiologists, this is a convenient way for early detection of disease outbreaks, which would reduce the number of cases. If, under certain conditions, a new strain of influenza virus, there is a likelihood of a pandemic with millions of deaths (as happened, for example,. 1918. ). Our data on the prevalence of influenza enable healthcare organizations and medical personnel in a timely manner to respond to seasonal epidemics and pandemics.

The aggregation of billions of requests since 2003, has created a workable model. This is an excellent example of beneficial use aggregated anonymous data. Statistics of search queries can be a source of valuable information on trends in the economy, health care and other areas. We have the tools. Google Insights for Search. , Which allows you to track the popularity level of a query - at different times and in different regions. So you can get ' inside look ' at the different areas of public interest. In the future we want to offer other opportunities to use these data for the common good.

The huge scale gives the user requests is unprecedented in scope picture of the world around us. John Battelle (. John Battelle). suggested that, in aggregate form requests users - it is ' a symbol of mankind's intention '. He argued that the database is able to reflect the needs and desires of people. Google Flu Trends - one of the examples of how queries can not only reflect what is happening in the world, but also to become an assistant in the fight against global challenges.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Municipal wireless networks as an argument in the battles for the ' neutral networks '

Larry Lessig. ), According to information publication The Register.
' Last Mile ' on the basis of the municipal wireless network deprives operators like AT. At the present time there is an avalanche growth of municipal wireless mesh- networks, and the area covered by them often exceeds the area occupied by the city blocks. This allows you to connect a network of neighboring cities, creating, thus, continuous communication, which is independent from the management of commercial companies, said Lessig.
However, this process is still slower than what I would like Lessig. Recently, Google announced the launch of the operation of free Wi-Fi network in the small town of Mountain View. In this work at the search giant had gone almost a year. A municipality intending to deploy their own networks in general talk about the planned work over the years.
However, in case of failure to legitimize the idea of ​​' neutral networks ', only the municipal Wi-Fi- access, in some ways similar to the principles of open architecture operating system Linux, can withstand the monopolistic attitudes of large telecommunications companies. Because only the free network will ensure the normal development of young companies in the field of telecommunications services without having to own a huge infrastructure or substantial initial capital.
However, the development of own urban Wi-Fi networks as long as is ' with difficulty '. Large operators are spending a lot of money on lobbying prohibitions of such projects. The main argument put forward the thesis of ' dishonesty ' competition of commercial companies that rely only on themselves, with municipal services, relying on the resources of the state level.
Source:. Nag. ru.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Google launches translation of the Bolshoi Ballet

On March 11 broadcast live ballet performances will begin at a special YouTube- channel.
Bolshoi Theatre of Russia jointly with. Google. And c cinema chain Pathe Live and Bel Air Media, began live broadcasts of ballet performances on the Internet. On March 11, 2012 they can be viewed at. YouTube. channel of the theater at:. www. youtube. com / bolshoi.
Now the Russian ballet lovers can join the spectators around the world already have the ability to watch live broadcasts of the Bolshoi Theatre in cinema halls in their countries.
The main goal of this international project, launched in March 2010, has become a significant expansion of the Grand Theatre audience by accelerating its integration into the global theatrical and musical context.
During the last two years in theaters dozen countries have conducted nine events ballets, as well as gala concert marking the opening of the main building of the Bolshoi Theatre after restoration. The total number of spectators attending ballet performances broadcast to over 2.2 million people.
March 11, Russian viewers will see the online broadcast of the ballet ...
Also in 2012, the repertoire of the Bolshoi Theater and broadcast live to audiences of millions, will include performances of ...
As noted in a press release of the theater, ballet events are held all project participants at no cost.

Source:. aif. ru.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

France is building a large solar power

EDF. is building the world's largest photovoltaic solar power plant on the former NATO air base. It is planned that the company will begin its work in 2012. The power plant occupies 415 hectares near the town of Metz in the east. The design capacity is 143 MW facility. This is enough to provide electricity to the city with 62 thousand. residents.

Currently, the world's largest solar power plant located in Olmedile (Spain) and produces 60 MW. In the U.S. and Australia have also developed several projects, which may exceed its capacity, and Spanish, and French companies.

Power plant in Toul - Rosere increase the amount of solar energy in France four times. Despite this, France still just breathing in the back of the head of Spain and Germany, which produces 1671 MW and 1505 MW respectively. EDF said that would be glad to build a more powerful workstation, but in France it is difficult to find a place to put it. When asked why the new project has been chosen instead of a cloudless cloudy Lorraine Southern, the company is responsible as follows: because the government raised electricity tariffs for the population in the northern regions, in order to attract investment in energy.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

First pictures of the new Hyundai Genesis Coupe

Hyundai introduced a new image of his only rear-wheel drive coupe Genesis ( and indeed the only coupe).

more ».

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The next debate is around the guesswork about the rumors.

It is known that the first time after a long pause, HP has decided to independently ( and with a huge booth ) to participate in the Infocomm - Company filed an application for participation in 2011. One would think - so what?.
And that's what.
Last year, Cisco has filed an application. But then again - and bought a Tandberg.
Now all are wondering who in the end of the year to buy HP. Not with the Polycom you?.
Or, at worst, Vidyo, with whom HP has recently signed a partnership agreement (just as Cisco has signed it with Tandberg, before buying ).
Interestingly, all of which may turn out to be much more prosaic - HP put up for Infocomm- 2011 his team, which deals with Digital Signage. Well, Polycom will be bought by Avaya ( along with his stand on the Inforomm, quietly, without fanfare and drums ).
Or no one no one will buy.
yes. At the time, live gay, Messrs.. Anguish, doubts, struggles, torments.
Absolutely no time to work.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

300th member of the club came from Dnepropetrovsk bablorubov

Dimochka (20:41:13 21/07/2008).
how old are you?.

Den (20:41:18 21/07/2008).

Dimochka (20:41:24 21/07/2008).
long ago in SEO?.

Den (20:41:42 21/07/2008).
a couple of months.

Den (20:41:47 21/07/2008).

Dimochka (20:41:54 21/07/2008).
and the city of what?.

Den (20:42:06 21/07/2008).

Dimochka (20:42:19 21/07/2008).
When you plan to come up with SEO in the piece bucks a month?.

Den (20:42:42 21/07/2008).

Dimochka (20:42:52 21/07/2008).
level of ambition. ).

Den (20:43:10 21/07/2008).
I just do not play.

Dimochka (20:43:29 21/07/2008).
Six months is enough?.

Dimochka (20:43:33 21/07/2008).

Den (20:43:47 21/07/2008).
Well, let six months ( and wanted to write ).

Dimochka (20:44:20 21/07/2008).
I understand - name Dennis?.

Den (20:44:32 21/07/2008).

Den (20:44:36 21/07/2008).

Dimochka (20:44:52 21/07/2008).
Well, well, good luck, Dennis, and welcome to the club. ).

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

In Greece, ancient sculptures back

As reported by the Greek Ministry of Culture in Greece from the Museum of Los Angeles had been returned antique sculptures, removed illegally decades ago.

One of the items returned by a marble stele with carved text. The text is a calendar of sacrifices to the gods of antiquity, and celebrations of ancient Greece. According to historians, the stele is dated about 430 BC.

Exported artifacts are fragments of grave relief, discovered in 1975, and later identified as three parts of one whole. The third part of the exhibition is located in the Museum of Athens. The whole sculpture depicts a lady standing in front of her and her maid, who props up his hand cheek. The exhibition dates from the fifth century BC, and soon all three parts will be re- united in a Greek museum.

All exhibits are returned to Athens by a contract of cooperation between Greece and the Getty Museum. During the negotiations, Greece promised to spend at the museum in Los Angeles antique show with the participation of Greek artifacts.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Share Widget Extension for Google Plus (UPD)

Quite a qualitative extension that will easily receive instant notification from their Google Plus account through a special icon. One click and you are on the page and read the new message! . Rudy Reeves. We can not just it! . This is done in two ways:.

  1. You can select the text for the preview, right click and select. 'Share on Google'.

  2. Is it possible for you like the page, click on the icon to expand and publish a manual. Moreover, a link to the site will automatically load to the point. 'Add link'. and you do not have to deal with his own copy -paste links!.

Update:. The developer has deleted this extension of the Chrome Web Store. - hosting with whom you can sleep peacefully

Make a birthday present chief bablorubu!.

Actually, all you witnessed yesterday, the club is not available. So a few words of gratitude to our hosts. Yes, this is the most overt and blatant advertising, which is generally available in this blog. But it 's the least I can do for these guys. They paid for the advertisement of my savings in staff time and minimizing downtime.

How do we meet?.

In November we were in full ass to the second server. And we held up a company. KeyVeb. - Never take it a server or hosting service if you do not want to be alone with their problems. Almost a week in every way we dynamite, in the end I baited their calls, and they. for the money (!). we hooked back up to another server where amhostovtsy dragged to his archive.

How to start his?.

But once. In amhosta always available free, or number of ready servers. As a result, our backup was deployed in a few hours on the configuration, which suited me.

How to pay?.

We have amhosta memberzona from it can be paid online vebmanisami. I always try to pay in advance, but recently rolled up and missed a month - honestly and frankly thought it paid, and when they came to the hands of a new payment - a little shocked, and made ​​two payments at once. While I kopilsya duty - no one even for a moment cut off my server.

a support.

We know that hosting is important not so much machines and data centers as support. And it is at an altitude of amhoste. Yet there was no case to the ticket has not been adopted in the work slower than five minutes. The company has eight system administrators and at least two are always online.

Despite the fact that the administration is not included in the fee, a lot of kids are free. For all the time I paid extra just for configuring anti-spam filters, and even that took less than planned.

Often it is necessary to communicate with children online - it's quiet and polite people, who are pleasant and easy to spread the word.

With regards to the situation with ddos server - one of our customers have come under attack. As a result, the server went. But within an hour a support zafiltroval first attack. The second wave has gone in the morning, help is needed the data center (and they just reacted too quickly), but by the end of the day, and this attack zafiltrovali. As a result, in the bath 13k ip, and the club and client work sites.

Hell, I'm very happy with my choice. I have become less and pay after the move. In my opinion SHARED -tariffs have amhosta expensive, but the server has to suit every taste and at any price. I sincerely advise.

Actually, the link:. amhost. net.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Now the glass is not afraid of the hammer.

More recently, there were cables that allow for a bend with a radius of up to 5mm ( such cables are normalized standard ITU G. 657 ). Bend before something can be, but with fatal consequences (and worst fiber broken, at best, greatly increased attenuation). Now bend at 5mm contribute no more than 0.1 dB.
Moreover, manufacturers of cables advertise that in the presence of 150 bends 90 degrees to the minimum permissible radius of 500 and secured by conventional metal braces without pads does not make more than 0.1 dB attenuation. Most is for razvodok buildings and apartments for FTTH solutions.
And the most important fact for those who understand how easy it is to mount the cable. stapler.

Apple's mobile platform has reduced the gap with Android

The operating system iOS, developed by Apple, markedly reduced the gap with Android in the smartphone segment in the U.S. mobile market. According to the report by NPD Group, the share of iOS sold during the reporting period units increased to 43% in October-November 2011 from 26% in the III quarter. This enabled her almost came close to running on. Google. , Whose share, by contrast, dropped from 60 to 47%.
Three leaders of BlackBerry- maker closes the communicator, the company Research in Motion (RIM), with a share of 6%, says GigaOM tehnoblog with reference to the report. According to NPD, the top three places in the top ten best-selling smartphones in the U.S. market in October and November, held ' iPhones ' - 4S, iPhone 4 and 3GS. The fourth and fifth places went to Samsung Galaxy S 4G and Galaxy S II, respectively, and the sixth - HTC Inspire 4G.
Apple's success is largely provided smartphone iPhone 4S, went on sale October 14. Also contributed to the popularity of iOS discount price on the iPhone 4 ( $ 99 ) and the special conditions of the model 3GS, which buyers can get for free at the conclusion of a two-year contract with the operator.
In early January, Samsung announced that for the IV quarter of 2011, she managed to sell about 35 million smart phones. The company's goal for next year - to realize more than 170 million such devices. How ' smart ' phones could sell Apple for the last quarter of 2011, is still unknown.

Source: vesti. ru.

Monday, April 2, 2012

$ 100 $ 100 $ 100

Take away their money, finally!.

I've wondered if those who bought. lottery. Participate in the raffle. $ 100. , Then the rest is not a sin to offer something similar.

So, everyone who bought a 1 to April 29 of any. X- product. Regardless - inside the club, or as the first invite, participate in the raffle. $ 100. each other.

And those who bought. 3. or. 4. Invite a -week. school. separately with each play. $ 100. lifting.

The drawing is held at vmid paid the. The winner will receive a vmid webmoney post about his win and will win a prize. The drawing will be held April 30. If possible, try to pull a few words of the winners.

Chance to have everyone and pretty good. And it will be funny if someone did not win the 100, and two or three hundred bucks.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Great marketers own life.

Hello dear blog readers, ... biographies and personal achievement. be called. great optimization. life.


With zero start they were able to achieve peaks of material prosperity and world-wide popularity.

In previous articles I talked about Salvador Dali and Frank Sinatra. Today I would like to introduce you to a curious history. Stephen King.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

From April 1!

Of course, a blog about the sale and the club - this is a joke. I apologize, but the team insisted on a small rally in honor of the holiday. I have long resisted, but later yielded to the entreaties of the girls with the proviso that the joke would be provocative.

So okay, my blog will be happy as ever with his articles, and the club to live their life the anarchic. new. club. is also not a joke. Only we are there for the real data, and the activation of the club via SMS to phone the candidate and the reception on the recommendation of one of those who are already inside. The small screen clickable topics discussed.

All the holiday! .

Your DIMA.

A. Dmitri Shakhov ( general management, editing and entertaining articles).
and. width Nemchinov ( seo articles, manuals ).
M. Aria Azarnovskaya (philosophy, psychology).
A. nna Koshelev (paid articles, advertising and PR).

Nobody seriously believed that a person can write a full-fledged two articles a day including weekends and holidays for three years. You can see photo of Irina. here. Other people outside the state and did not want to glow.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Forecast for 2009

It is pleasant to spend a little Nostradamus, and then after a few months to say ' well, I told you so! ' . So what is this straitjacket my liking. But still will treat all words with the appropriate sense of humor and cynicism.

1) ruble.
Actually, everything has already happened. As monopolists body movements, at once raised the price of energy, services, etc. products by 25%. It was such an interesting corridor waiting for us with you. T. e. command is given, the ruble prosyadet. Why? . There is another reason, but it later.

2) Dismissal.
layoffs continue. And you do not just hear about them. And probably even see a handful of laid-off, knocking helmets or rasp, or whatever else they have as tools. It's a shame, pity, even scary. But across the country - is nothing. Even if the number of laid off will rise to 3 million. (with a. 5 million. ) Is still garbage. I am much more concerned about the fate of small business.

3) Small Business. ...
Actually, it is no secret that the greatest number of people we have employed in the civil service, and the second number - a small business. These are the cakes with kittens here: despite the fact that small business makes around 15-20 % of GDP, it employs approximately 60-70 % of the total number of workers are not on civil service. The first commandment and request for a small business ' Do not interrupt! ... But its low profitability, liquidity ghostly small - often all the money in circulation. And all the development is carried out through private investment - to get a loan shop fucking difficult and expensive, but uses up to take in up to 50 thousand. bucks was possible. We can not. The entrance ticket up. Some of the enterprises will be forced to because of lower demand skukozhitsya. And the most disenfranchised worker just running a small business. Pressed as a mass of law simply can not be. A walk to protest at the gate together with the guard Ivanovitch no employee will not. So what if the situation with an increase in the liquidity of small businesses can not be solved, it will fall out thousands and thousands, if not previously had a very promising career in terms of jobs, but with a stable income.

4) Dollar.
Dollar stsuko, sly currency. Anything not secured, but the international. Many, predicting the collapse of the U.S. do not realize that the accumulation of dozens of stores in the U.S. treasury bonds bonds, r. e. essentially in dollars. And dropping those candy wrappers, it's just their savings profukannyh. And you thought the stabilization fund is kept in rubles? . For the sake of stability. On the other hand, a lot depends on Obama's policy. If the printing press will continue to rotate at the same rate, any predictions are meaningless - to predict the dollar will be easier with the help of dice. If the U.S. can suddenly uzhatsya in his bid for world domination, it is possible to retain and. Here is another fact feature is. If proschelkat time and allow other states and the chance to transfer their holdings to another currency - and then only option until the euro, the balance will be disrupted and the dollar falls. So if you want to forecast, go to the casino. I put a slight drop in the dollar against the ruble at the end of the year and a significant relative to the euro.

5) We will be worse off?.
We re going to learn to live by means of. Unlike America, we lived on credit is not so long, but generously. If there are loans - an integral part of life, we have - the gift of heaven, which was made to celebrate perhaps the amount of the loan. It was bought by a lot of unnecessary garbage and nonsense. Now we have to do without it. Recreation - in Sochi or in the local river, the TV - with a CRT, the car - Lada seventh model. Exaggerating, but something like that. Many have already started. Someone buys barley and salt, some sharpening a shovel to give someone pleasure reviewing policy. But a change of lifestyle will take a year, not less.

6) New hosts of living.
And without them? . They are those who find themselves in the wake of the crisis has. Saw leaflet pawnshop - banks are smoking - 24 % per annum, pawn shops are already taking deposits (such as a license for such activities is needed? ). Crisis money is always the sweetest. This is a long-forgotten profits of 200%, it is easy money from the government orders, it is sweet kickbacks, it is much more. And someone will get it all and put it in his pocket. And will spend there, where his leg had not stepped. Easy come - easy and leaves. You have not seen these people? .

7) fucking canceled.
Many are already covered by a sheet and look for the direction of the cemetery. Not too early right? . Nature abhors a vacuum. May not be all crappy at all. Where the crappy one, it will be sweet to another. So most likely wait a few months of turmoil, and then through the broken pavement helmets will make their way new shoots. Will work, and money. Remember: those who survived the turmoil mid-80s and the crisis of '98, that has nothing to fear. The economy, as well as the nature of cyclical.

8), draining money from the population will continue.
One of the key moments in the economic recovery is the financial bleeding of the population. This is for you personally to 140 million. a lot of bucks, and for Russia - a buck on the nose. How many of them sewn into socks, and how much was the moment to pull out of the banks, as well as obtained a loan and not returned until now? . The easiest way is to block a freebie (loans, unjustified high salaries and bonuses ), to increase the cost of living (food, housing, transport), discount savings ( national currency to drop a course ). Not too difficult to calculate how much should be pressed so the population to scrape most of the stocks. The standard of living drops an ordinary man himself will swap the remains of goods for money to save anything, take a breath before death. Actually, the process goes. Prices have risen, the rate increased, a freebie blocked. However, as we see - traffic jams on the streets, crowded cafes, etc. Dr.. The money is there - they spend. So the first sign of ending the crisis - a collapse of the entertainment industry, m. e. stupid is no money to go to the movies, for example.

9) The border is closed.
The process will continue. No need to entertain the thought that the increase in fees and other defensive measures related only to the crisis. The world is globalizing, and it's bad for the existing conditions in the country. Always easier to manage Singapore and Brunei, the gut than a few million. square. m. You can not reduce the area, you can reduce the number of factors influence. Huyak, you can now calculate the growth of automobile industry only in terms of internal performance. Huyak, the outer almost inaccessible luxury tourism. Huyak, total control over air carriers, and thus secured orders Sukhoi Design Bureau and did not have to rack their brains, how to upload so expensive project. There are no complaints - just really easier to manage. The problem is - it is distorted on the ground of excessive zeal of service. And we have to nahlebaemsya.

10) Monopoly.
And all. Medium will not. Wait dozhrut past and leaving only state-owned companies, but the major types of private and small. Everyone else, or fucking, or under the wing of the first two listed. What does this mean? . This is when the price of January 1, huyak, and 25%. This is where the conflict seems to be between Gazprom and naftagazom and go to negotiate the vice- premiers, and their arrangement no relation to the business does not have. This is when you come into the store, and a brand of margarine, and all the cash piled up to the counter only to its. What are the advantages? . When there is no sensible management, and experience has shown that it is not fucking, it is easier to take everything in one hand and just draw on paper, and who should do what. And pass this paper in the form of a sheet of execution.

11) Freedom of speech.
not stsyte. Everything will be okay. In fact, everything is very simple. And manage a word in two ways: when a word is only one, because the right, and when words are many, but the mass fraction of the same prevail over opposition. Second - it kakby democratic press and all that. Therefore, we can tryndet anything you want, anyway no matter what it does not affect. D. The Inhabited Island - towers are already in all countries, we are just past who have built their. Now you just relax and listen to.

12) Cho to do?.
That's really the question as a question. The unequivocal answer is no. I'll tell you how to make himself. First - no one to believe, therefore, can not keep the money. We have a liquidity buffer for 2 months - the rest of the case. For those who do not have a business - find someone else. Next question of trust. If unsuccessful, then you just proebete savings faster than they burn up in the bank or in stocks. If successful - then at least save them. Unwanted goods can not buy. Why not? . Why do you need for 42-inch TV set, if only to watch it at night? . An example of stupid, but indicative. The faster your money will go, the more independent they will be on the current conditions. Mr. read. Kiyosaki. Money invested in real estate, but with its subsequent lease, much more interesting and promising investments than mortgages bondage. This, of course, utopia for Russia, but even we have a number of interesting places to invest and multiply, and not to lose.

The main problem of the Russian mentality associated with permanent loss of expectation. How we live, so many think they do not multiply, and save. Because we do not want to work, and strive to be closer to the trough and grab and run off while the lid is not ebnulo, and then settled down and save. It's time to change, ladies and gentlemen. It's time to. Think not about how many in your pocket, and how much you lost on that time out of his pocket the money is not pulled out and put.

13) Friday the 13th.
three times.

14) We have to work.
Ah, shit, asshole! .
That's screaming, those who are too lazy to work. Responsibly declare, I am more than happy with our country. I 'm used to wake up and do not watch the news. I was quite enough, and a channel one site to make gestures in the business. I want us to safely survived the instability and then everything was stable. Let not as before, but from day to day. When I wake up in the morning and realize that ass - it's ass. But when the ass every day, this is the norm. Perhaps there is to throw shoes at me and say that guy, but do not want to live in normal conditions. And here I'll get all this in white and I say that is normal - is when you wake up and nothing has changed. The man stsuko flexible mechanism to get used to the whole. And each has its own rules. Do not like it, uebyvayte where like. Never heard of one who knows how to work, complaining that no work or money is not enough.


Read the latest posts by Fritz Morgen. Ready to rehabilitate. At least for the code of the weak, because only two people wanted to shit on zhezheshechku - a person A. A. and F. M. For that and respect them.

Saw pieces of an interview with O. B. about About. About. Paphos, shit. On the other hand, I fully agree that the Russian audience fucking Titanic suffered by 4:00, but, stsuko, dear island can not. Dual office on the same budget - always double cash.

Gas to fuck him so captivated ether. And all that oil- oil. But this a separate post. Many will not agree. But my general FSUs.

tV stations have agreed to. More than one can not simultaneously watch. The priority at first. More dough - better than the premiere. Second place at the CTC - the good old sitcoms. The rest - a complete anal. TNT does not show. Although most migrated from the gums at first - then there is a crisis.

Saw the movie SLF -2. Garik apologized for SLF. I ohuel. Just for this alone should go to the movies. Not that the movie pozyrit. Just feel sorry for Garik. I think that movie and this time full of guano, but that it is in Russian show business - it's cool.

Judging by the lights of NY won a victory in the race, two men. Not in the sense of men, and husbands diva. Galkin and Phil lit up everywhere. It was hard to click and they are not seen. Strange, but Respect.


All the drunk, the one I 'm writing, so that the guards will not be.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

When will Google Nexus Prime?

This smartphone has become the third -branded Google! . Now let's look briefly its characteristics:.

  • Equipped with a 4.5- inch Super AMOLED.

  • Display high-definition 1280x720 pixels.

  • Dual-core processor with 1.5 GHz.

The rest we know is closer to the announcement! .

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


для гениев
Welcome to the blog for talented people!.
I know that every visitor to my blog very talented!.
You ask - where such confidence?.
It's simple! .

As a child, we were all artists and performers, poets and philosophers. We knew how the world works and how to make it even more beautiful.


Thinking of doing business in Russia

We talk about business in our dear country. For questions constantly arise among those with whom I communicate. How to develop? .

I confess frankly, while still a teenager, I thought that I would become a businessman. But I wanted to, of course, not a website design studio in the provincial regional center, and even quite a large international corporation. I have no idea what exactly I'm going to do - it was completely abstract dreams.

And now, when I was thirty, gained a no experience, I can only say one thing: I do not give up nafig the corporation. Just create a small, stand on three legs, and without your business that will feed you, and then another, and any time your children. All the money will not spend all the things you can not buy, but still need to leave time to rest and try to live so as not to think ' jailed - not plant ' or worse ' shoot - do not shoot '.

But this is what I skromnik, and some people still dream of a black horse on, waving his sword. Well, it's time to say that everybody knows. In Russia there is only two options for a business: small, which no one other than its owners are not interested, and a large, finger-joined with the state in varying degrees. As soon as the low starts to grow, it rests on the need to join with the State. Next, or it occurs, or business ends.

I'm not going to tell sad stories I knew people who did not go to the contact, or simply do not understand what they are wanted, and lost business. It's not so interesting, and full of such stories in the same Forbes - Read any issue of. It is important here is another - the barrier. Or are you a small or large. Or get out in the unnecessary but given the rules, or are you going to deal too, and then the rules will be, but the problems will be solved, and in another. Or the freedom to such an independence, which of you can not depend on anything. Or the illusion of freedom of unwritten rules, but in fact turn out to have more symptoms of dependence.

We have been discussing with a friend a good business out there who wants to port to Russia. And I sincerely and strongly discouraged to have it here is so significant assets. Not because it is impossible to do business in Russia. And how can. It is even a way to federal projects in the potential long term - in Latvia, a similar, albeit narrow-profile business has a turnover of 16mln. euro. The problem is. As soon as there will be significant assets, will have to take action to protect them. Severe pre-emptive action. Or is a chance that he suddenly left with a huge debt to the investor.

Small business is difficult annihilate. You shut one firm, has opened another. Claims have been made in the second, moved operations to a third party. No wonder many large companies and not-so have very structure of the spray. One of the plants, with whom I worked had about thirty of legal persons, including two ROOI (. regional public association with disabilities. ). Of course, that the main purpose of the spray - tax evasion. But the second part - the smearing of assets. In the same Forbes is a schematic diagram of possession of a large company - it was attended by about twenty legal entities, according to legal counsel such a scheme was used for protection against raiding.

Big business is bang in general - there are no problems. If you have not found a common language with officials - consider you at gunpoint. I'm so over ten years and have not seen a single large customer who has not found common ground with the power.

Perhaps someone thinks that there burzhuiny all very sweet and out of the garage can grow into a large company. Do not flatter yourself. There's your problem, and zamorochki. More than confident that few even of those who do not work or even get there, get there. But today, it's not about burzhuiny. Today the question of Russia.

If you have text above seemed pessimistic, it does not. I still think that for a small business in Russia is almost ideal conditions: low competition, low market entry, the low level of service in almost all sectors, a lot of untapped niches, low taxes. And even for the development of big business taking into account the peculiarities of said everything is fine. Just have to adjust oneself, finish the game, to make concessions. And be cautious. Where everything is decided in the west of lawyers, we have replaced the role of officials.

So in this respect, business in Russia will grow. Here are the vectors will be multidirectional. Or small, or large. And forever. No garage that grew in the corporation. forget.

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Monday, March 26, 2012

I want to say thank you

Novostare. It is adequate to the company, is always a human relationship and reasonable prices. And in 4 years no fakapa. This is rarely.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

They say, I quickly write

' I write too fast '. It may, indeed, slow down and write one every 2 days? .

Slept 5:00. From 5 to 9. 30 GMT. He started the last lecture, and fell asleep for her writing. Well, that though many slept. So plan: up to 13 cet do their business in the offline and return home. Before 18msk finish last lecture, to pitch set for all customers, former and current cadets for the re-examination. IMHO, it's currently the number one task.

I can not understand what I do with one client. I do not know what he wants and confuses me. Okay, just perenatyanu its old site on the new engine ( something he arranged ).

People ask me how many people participated in the race. The answer is: as long as 15 in Sapa, 17 seozavre, 15 ksape. Chance to have all. For example, for the last 2-3 places have changed. Next beat out yellow77, and stivunga relegated to third place.

By the way, did you know that Mozilla checks your literacy? . IMHO, he uses just the right Moneymaker Mozilla and other browsers are five to check cross-browser compatibility and only.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The idea for the start-up reviews.

Dear readers, I suggest you to consider the idea of ​​a startup. Do not pay attention to the fact that the video is unprofessional, and made ​​themselves a hurry )).

The project FlipTweet. com we combine the need for people to express themselves on the one hand, and especially of thinking on the other. Most people his life images, visual images and associations.

FlipTweet. com - is a service of rendering life. Users update their statuses, and select suitable images that are available to them a special associative search. These tapes associations, users can embed in other social services, to share with friends, create group tape. The best metaphor - a comic strip, which the user creates for himself.

Your opinions, suggestions, feedback and support is just a welcome! ).

More detailed presentation of the. here.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The second mini-review of creative professionals naming

Make a birthday gift, and take away the main bablorubu your gift!.

Option: Partner MX or MXAds.
Honestly I have never seen so much target highly specific blog, but to all subscribers, and 30 were. biodiesel News. More and add nothing.

Option: 2 Dengolenta. 0.
Blog Moneymaker, but about ' themes ' almost nothing. A man writes about life, football, phones. Participates in the relay races and contests. Dnyavkoy would call, but it is not dnyavka. It makes sense to look at those who do not like blogs. about life. and. for life. Blog Altermanna.

Option: rubnerka.
Blog about ideas. The ideas of so-so, but many of them. If you take each separately so sanded, then maybe something will come. In the meantime, this is a collection of thoughts of a single person.

Option: BlogoHak.
Manimeykersky blog Divolka. Collection of those with their own opinions on each. There is something in common with the virtual lab blog, but other topics are covered. For those who want links to useful resources on the topic manimeykerskoy - I recommend.

Options: X- Generator KuVyshka, Factor -B.
Arm wrestling in the littoral. Many videos. Blog solely for the fans of the sport.

Options: Bablotizator, Babloid, Bablodel.
Manimeykersky blog for beginners. Mostly known by chewing. These blogs can be called the word ' My Way '. It is useful to look through to those who have just started this way.

Option: Coining.
Student dnyavka. But many words. It will be interesting to those who wondered what the students are living. For example, why so much joy to offset surrendered in Chemistry.

Option: MoneyWriter.
Private Otaku Blog. On this blog I wrote. Prospective blozhek. If you will continue to evolve in this fashion - will be a success.

Option: True Blogging.
About. this blog. I also wrote. In general, and generally refers to the category of blogs scorched by. It will be useful to beginners and not only. Sometimes it skips a serious topic.

Option: Be-me.
Blog Moneymaker. Many tutorials. I think that would be useful to novices browse. At least, I do a lot of the writing did not know. Icon, by the way, cool.

Option: BlogLance.
A man picks up a month $ 250. Want to know how he came to this?. Read the blog.

At present, all. Tomorrow I will make the last review and begin to vote. Who else wants to have time to -. conditions of participation here. In principle, the normal dozen titles I've found.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.